Two-day seminar is designed to provide students with a low pain, big gain opportunity to learn strategies to develop the academic skills and personal attributes needed to be successful at the college level. In addition to providing information on a select topic, the seminar atmosphere offers students the opportunity to interact and ask questions related to their individual concerns about the subject. Students must be enrolled in order to attend.
Location: 111 Student Hall, Room 300 MAP
Price: $50.00
Earlybird Registration: before July 15 - $45.00
Session 1: August 1 & 2 from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Session 2: August 12 & 13 from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Registration fee includes program materials, lunch is an additional fee.
How to make the Most of Academic Excellence Workshops:
- Arrive on time.
- Introduce yourself to the facilitator.
- Make certain your attendance is recorded.
- Participate actively in your group(s).
- Plan to stay until the end of the workshop.
- If you must miss a workshop, tell the facilitator in advance.