Stanford Achievement Test Series, Tenth Edition (SAT 10)

The Stanford Achievement Test Series, Tenth Edition (SAT 10), offered by NCS Pearson, is a nationally normed achievement test used with confidence by administrators and teachers for over 80 years.

SAT 10 helps educators obtain reliable data to evaluate progress toward meeting Missouri’s Show-Me Standards and national content standards, including those set by NCTE and NCTM. It also allows educators to make achievement and ability comparisons when administered with the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test, Eighth Edition (OLSAT 8).

The Stanford Series helps identify academic strengths and weaknesses in both individuals and groups so that educators can make informed curriculum and advisement decisions. SAT 10 offers: 

  • Valid and reliable information 
  • 13 levels (Kindergarten – Grade 12) 
  • Grade-appropriate content 
  • Easy-hard-easy question format 
  • Materials to support interpretation, instruction, and parent communication

Forms A and D are identical with the exception of the format of the language test. They are composed of the following subtests: Reading, Mathematics, Language, Spelling, Listening, Science, and Social Science.

The Form A language subtest uses a traditional approach that measures language proficiency through the assessment of language mechanics and expression.

The Form D language subtest uses a comprehensive approach that assesses language proficiency in a more holistic fashion that replicates the writing process as closely as possible. This subtest measures prewriting, composing, and editing in a holistic fashion that resembles a writing task.

SAT 10 Recommended Levels